Tuesday 9 November 2010


The film poster above is for batman the dark knight. The main target audience for this film is young/middle-aged men; the genre is action/thriller. The film poster also suggests the film is set in a very gloomy and dull place as the building behind are dark. Also the weather is very dull and this shows it could be set mostly at night or at gloomy times.
The red/orange batman logo could suggest anger and rage in the film, we know this as red is often connoted as violence and blood and orange with fire. The logo is above batman this could be a slight halo on top of the character this means this character wants to seek revenge. The main title also has a slight glow around the title this could suggest his importance in the film and he is quite powerful compared to the rest as he has special powers.

The next film poster is blood diamond. The main target for this film is young/middle-aged men the genre of the film is based on a true story and involves a lot of action. We can tell as the poster contains fire in the background and by the expressions on the characters faces. The fire could again represent rage in the film and the expressions on the characters faces suggest they are in trouble or need to help someone.
The claws represent death and danger. The colours of the poster connote violence and war we know this as the main colour is orange/red this represents blood.

The film poster I prefer is batman dark knight. The reason for this is it shows clearly what the story could be about; the film poster could represent revenge on an evil character in the film. It also shows its setting in a dark gloomy place which could also represent action throughout the film  

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