Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Back to the future
In this essay I will be explaining the media techniques used to attracts the target audience for this particular film will be also commenting on different effects, the camera work and types of editing used.
The film was made in during the 1980’s, its main target audiences are males aged around 16 – 25 this is due to the type of action film it is, this could also relate to the actor as he is also very young and is in high school. The opening scene is of the clock and with a digetic sound from the scene, the effect of this is that it gets the attention of the audience and in a way shocks them, also by showing the clock we know this may have something related to the film hence the title “back to the future”. The camera man is very effective as he uses a lot of close ups to tell the story in more detail for example it shows the expressions on the characters faces. Another technique of using a close up is that you can pick out the key features of the film such as the time machine car. In this case the close ups are extremely important for the characters facial reactions, in this particular film many things go wrong with the main character, and by using close ups of his face we can tell what’s wrong.
The camera man also uses a point of view shot quite often, this gets the audience to see what the main character is looking at, in this case the main character is looking at various articles of a newspaper from 1955, this again relates to the story later on in the film, the gets the audience asking questions and is a good way to engage them. The camera is almost looking down at the main character to show his status throughout the film, where as the scientist as a higher status so the camera is always looking up at him. This shows how older men in society are more dominant than younger men, Another major camera shot that is used is the pan, the effect of this is to show what is in the entire scene this is used when they show the car, when the scientist come out and makes an appearance.
The main setting of the film is on the same street set in different times, it is also set in the garage where the entire experiments takes place, the effect of this is that the audience knows what to expect. Most of the settings in the film are dark and gloomy, this could suggest how some of the experiments go wrong with the machine and they end up in different places this is where problems start to occur. The non digetic sound of the trailers is mainly consisted of the voiceover telling the story; much of the sound throughout the trailer is contrapuntal to the action. The music is soft rock, something someone would relax to, and where as in this case there is action scenes taking place with a lot of drama.

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